Oh, well, it can’t hurt my birthday anyway.

I am posting a letter today which will be out of order with the other letters I have been posting. I just wanted to post in honor of my Father, Jimmie Lee Collester’s Birthday. If he were still alive, he would have been 80 years old today. Back in May 1955, he was stationed in West Berlin. His birthday fell on a Thursday, so it would have been just a regular day in the life of a soldier.
Letter postmarked: May 25 1955
[Note Incorrect Date] Dec. 24, 1955
Dear Folks,
Well, it was nice here today. I haven’t got one thing to say. I’m listening to some of my records. The 1st Platoon went to the Zone today. “Dog” company (Co. D) all have “Mohawk” haircuts, even the Lieutenants, I hear. I did receive all of the money. I hope you are all well. I saw my AGCT test grade, it is only 103, but I guess it is okay. A lot of guys are lower by far. We go to the Zone soon, as I mentioned, so I hope it is nice & warm down there. On the 26th they have an inspection and I have guard at the service club. Oh, well, it can’t hurt my birthday anyway. It sure has been raining a lot here. It about half snowed.
Here are a couple of photos from this period;
One of him in his uniform:
Here is the Service Club at McNair Barracks, where he may have been on guard on his Birthday:

All American Club, McNair Barracks, West Berlin